Where I am from

by Melissa Singh
June 15, 2020

I am from one hundred and sixty something…I stopped counting…first cousins,
From bare feet, saris, bangles, and bindis
From misty rain (England), sun (Guyana), and snow (Minnesota).

I am from masala, gera, and curry smells
and rooms that I could always call my own

I am from guavas, mangoes, and avocadoes
whose sweet smell I can still enjoy in my mom’s backyard

I am from cricket matches and Caribbean carnival
from Singh and Singh (my mother never had to change her name)

I am from Dominoes and chup chal
and from reggae and soca, to Bollywood

I am from Hindu pujas, Easter, Diwali, Christmas, and Phagwah

I am from Old Singh and Jai Singh
from pine tarts and ghoulab jamoon
from indentured slavery and from (warning: an offensive term) coolie people

I am from those moments where family time is a crowd and we sit gather underneath my mom’s fruit trees to pick, eat, and share.